Today is my lunar calender birth(here also called people day)
which mean is all people are birthday and they will organise a party like "Rainbow combo fish plate"
then all people will used chopstick and scoop up and up
actually i forgotten my birth is today
very funny is it? haha
this year i like alone through my birth ^^
And this morning when i was awake, saw my mom cook red egg and noodle soup(altough the soup taste got a little bit light but this is also good for health )
今年没有蛋糕庆祝,不过我也了解他们的苦衷,因为今天是人日 ,也要花蛮多钱。所以今天晚上该让你家人一起晚餐吃,当着是庆祝我的生日^^
蛮丰富的^^ 还可以边吃边看风景~ 蛮美的@@